From left to right, a be-fanged Alan White with Forry Ackerman, Walt Daugherty, and Karl Freund at a 1966 Count Dracula Society luncheon. (Photo by L.A. Times staff Photographer)
Artist Alan White has begun posting to his smellthefandom.com web site a personal history of his fifty-years with science-fiction and comics fandom and conventions titled “Boomer’s Lament.” As with so many others, his fan history more or less begins with Famous Monsters of Filmland, Forry Ackerman, and the Ackermansion. Since it was being supported by Forry, Alan began attending the San Diego Comic-Con in 1970, its very first year. So far he’s told his story and posted his pictures through 1977, with much more to come. It’s all very cool and very much worth reading.
Here’s Alan’s description: “Smell the Fandom, an alternative fannish website containing fanzines, films, artwork and ‘Boomers Lament’, a biographical tale of my first 50 years in Fandom with hundreds of rare photos never before seen from 1960 on. What happened to The Time Machine, Robby the Robot, L.A. Conventions, Bob Burns Halloween Extravaganzas and lots more!”
Be sure to check it out at http://www.smellthefandom.com/boomerslament/boomerscontents.html.