We were delighted today to receive an email from Stephen McGlone, whom we hadn’t heard from in years. Stephen and his brothers, David and Patrick, joined the San Diego Comic-Con committee very early on and made substantial contributions in those early years. (You can read Stephen’s brief reminiscence about those days at http://www.sheldorftribute.com/2011/04/06/stephen-mcglone-answers-shel-dorf%E2%80%99s-call-to-join-the-first-year-comic-con-committee/.)
As a small recognition of the efforts the McGlone brothers expended on behalf of the early Comic-Cons, here is a scan of the welcome page from the March 21, 1970 San Diego Comic Minicon souvenir booklet which lists the first con committee members, including Stephen and David. (You can also read Ken Krueger’s “A Message From Our Con Chairman” from the August 1970 Comic-Con program book wherein he gives a shout-out of thanks to all three McGlone brothers at http://www.kenkruegertribute.com/2010/06/19/a-message-from-our-con-chairman/.)

March 1970 Minicon Booklet Welcome Page (from the Richard Alf archives)